Manufacturing, retail, or transit-transfer. Specialized, mixed, or universal. Stationary, port, or deep-water. Our specialists are ready to undertake the construction of a new warehouse of any design, size, and purpose!

How do we work?

  • Gather all necessary documents to relieve you of unnecessary headaches and paperwork
  • Develop a building project considering the specifics of your business to minimize damage to goods
  • Offer an optimal type of foundation and frame to reduce the overall cost of warehouse construction
  • Design energy-efficient facilities so that you can invest the saved money in the development and scaling of your business
  • Treat steel elements with a special composition to protect your goods from ignition
  • Install not only stationary but also mobile racks so that you can optimize space at any time
  • Arrange convenient access routes to ensure timely sorting and shipment of products

We will answer all remaining questions and discuss your project in person, over the phone, or via email!