The process of technical supervision is a crucial aspect of any construction project. One of the main functions of the technical customer is to obtain the Town Planning Development Plan (TPDP), technical conditions, and the set of initial permitting documentation (IPD). This requires careful planning and attention to detail, with a focus on ensuring that all necessary documentation is obtained in a timely and efficient manner. In addition to this, the technical customer is also responsible for collecting initial data for design, coordinating design documentation, obtaining a positive expert examination conclusion on the project, and obtaining construction permits.

After obtaining the construction permit, the technical customer’s department takes on the responsibility for organizing construction tenders, managing, and controlling the entire construction and installation process. This is a complex and responsible process that requires high qualifications and professionalism. The technical customer ensures thorough control and management of all aspects of the project, aiming to achieve high-quality results that meet the client’s needs. The outcome of the work is the issuance of the commissioning and transfer act of the completed construction. This involves paying close attention to details and striving for excellence, ensuring that the project is completed to the highest standards of quality and professionalism.

Offered services and processes:

  • Preparation of a complete set of initial permitting documentation (IPD)
  • Support in the development of project documentation
  • Obtaining a construction permit
  • Provision of customer service
  • Commissioning