Developing a unique layout, planning all related engineering communications, seamlessly integrating a new structure into the architectural complex, and harmonizing it with the infrastructure of adjacent areas—such requirements for designing industrial facilities can be a formidable task for any contractor. But not for us!

Don’t want to spend several months independently working out every detail? Then entrust the construction organization of your industrial facility to the professionals.

We design for you:

  • Manufacturing buildings
  • Plants and factories
  • Agricultural structures
  • Shops and supermarkets
  • Shopping centers

Stage 1: Create the technical task based on the obtained data and the specifics of the future enterprise.

Stage 2: Develop the project concept and select the necessary equipment.

Stage 3: Create a draft layout and coordinate it with you.

Stage 4: Develop an architectural style in accordance with the features of the area, the operation of the facility, and the client’s preferences.

Stage 5: Prepare comprehensive project documentation for each stage of the construction of the industrial facility.

Stage 6: Conduct a project examination.